Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP)
This surgery consists of tissue rearrangement at the uvula, palate and throat. This is designed to increase the airway size and decrease tissue collapse to help with breathing. This procedure usually is to help [...]
Septoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct the shape of the septum of the nose. The goal of this procedure is to correct defects or deformities of the septum. The nasal septum is [...]
Nose & Sinus
Nose & Sinus Conditions involving the nose and sinus include nasal obstruction, nasal fractures, sinusitis, polyps and correction of the external nasal deformity (rhinoplasty). Overview: It [...]
A grommet is a small ventilation tube inserted into the eardrum to allow air into the middle ear and prevent a build-up of fluid. A grommet is usually inserted to treat fluid in the [...]
The turbinates role is to warm and humidify air that is breathed through the nose. They become enlarged in conditions such as hay fever causing blockage. Soft tissue of enlarged turbinates causing nasal [...]
Skull Base Surgery
Skull Base Surgery Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a condition in which the soft tissues of the throat, including the tongue, collapse during sleep. This blocks the upper [...]
Tonsillectomy (removal of the tonsils). To make the decision to remove the tonsils a number of factors are taken into consideration. Most significantly in children is whether the tonsils and adenoids are resulting in [...]
Throat & Voice
Throat & Voice The throat is a vital part of the human body. It provides us with the ability to eat, speak and breath. When there is an [...]
Adenoids help protect the body from viruses and bacteria. Adenoids can often appear quite large in children and grow smaller with age. Adenoids can sometimes get infected with problems such as ear infections, glue [...]
Frontal Sinus/Lothrop
The Lothrop Procedure is an advanced FESS procedure used to treat stubborn sinus infections and in certain cases where there is a severe frontal sinusitis. Paranasal sinuses are a group of four paired [...]
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a condition in which the soft tissues of the throat, including the tongue, collapse during sleep. This blocks the upper [...]
Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Sinus surgery involves the removal of the soft tissue and bone covering the maxillary sinus. Removing the soft tissue and bone will widen the maxillary sinus allowing drainage of the infected sinus. Disease [...]
RHINOPLASTY Rhinoplasty (commonly known as a “nose job”) is a cosmetic surgery procedure to improve the shape of the nose in order to correct life-long issues, or deformities that [...]